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What Pram Is Right For You?

by Baby Style Team April 08, 2017

What Pram Is Right For You?

A pram is like a handbag. It must suit you and your bub’s needs. Not every pram will suit everyone. Before you look at buying a pram there are a few questions you should ask yourself to help with the elimination process, as there are many, many, many prams to choose from.

Points Your Pram Should Answer Yes To:

  1. Does the pram comply with the Standards?
  2. Does the pram fit into your boot?
  3. Does the pram have a 5 point harness?


Other Points To Consider:

  • How many prams do you want to buy, one for walking and one for quick supermarket trips?
  • What is your budget?
  • What is the chance of you having another child within 3 years? (Do you need to be able to add a toddler seat?)
  • Will you be using a capsule in the car? Do you want a pram that is compatible with your capsule?
  • Is it easy to fold/user friendly?
  • Age suitability? Does the pram recline suitably for a newborn?
  • Is the handle height adjustable? If you and your partner are a different height you should consider adjustable handles.
  • How many accessorises are included such are foot muff and rain cover, or are they an extra expense?

Compact/Umbrella Prams Or Strollers:

Umbrella prams are quiet compactly when folded and generally very light weight.  They are great for travelling and quick shopping trips, but not good for lots of walking in parkland or very uneven surfaces (they are more than suitable for a stroll down the street). They are very simple and you can use some from newborn right through till a pram is no longer needed (some have a weight capacity up to 20kg).

Unfortunately you will not have the option of reversible handles or adding on a toddler seat.  If this is important you should consider a full size stroller either 3 wheels or 4 wheels.

Full Size 4 Wheel Prams (Flat Folding):

4 wheel prams will vary in weight depending on the features they offer (anywhere between 7kg to 13kg). The majority of flat folding prams are suitable for newborns and some can attach a toddler seats. Many of these prams have the option of either reversing the handle or seat allowing you to face your bub. Swivel wheels at the front allow for more manoeuvrability. Flat folding prams tend to be a bit more durable for walks in the park. Some even have added suspension. However some are not the smallest of prams and you need to consider your boot space.

Full Size 3 Wheel Prams:

For those who have an active lifestyle three wheel prams are great. Many 3 wheel prams have added suspension, which will make it a smoother ride for your Bub when walking on uneven surfaces. A front swivel wheel is pretty standard and most can also be locked onto place for brisk walking.

Some three wheel prams are still quiet large, so you need to ensure it fits into your boot when folded.  If you intend to buy a pram which can take a toddler seat, ensure that the three wheel pram is suitable from newborns or a Bassinet can be attached.

Tandem Prams:

Tandem twin / double prams have one child seated behind the other. In some models, one of the seats is elevated, or is underneath the other seat.

Side-By-Side Prams:

Side-by-side twin / double prams give both of your children the same view.  These twin / double prams are quite wide, and can make shopping in stores with narrow aisles difficult or impossible. Some have the added feature of adding a toddler seat for a third child.

Pram Stroller Travel System:

There are pram stroller packages that are complete pram stroller travel systems - combo of stroller and a car seat, some sold as a package and some sold separately.

The capsule can go straight from the pram and clicked into a capsule base in the car. Very handy for the school drop off, pick up and quick trips to the shops. Allowing your Bub to sleep undisturbed.

However the capsule is only suitable as a car seat for the first six months. So you will need to weigh up whether it would be more useful to purchase a car seat that your child can use from birth to preschool age.

Danger Points To Remember:

  • Always ensure the harness is on correctly to avoid your Bub from falling out if a pram
  • Do NOT overloaded the stroller as it may tip backwards
  • Prams are not stable when a child tries to stand up in a pram and it can be easily tipped over
Baby Style Team
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